Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Monday's used to be my least favorite day of the week - having to go back to school and work, all while the house is still a disaster left over from a weekend of "family fun." Uugghh!! In fact, I often start getting ornery on Sunday nights, just thinking of the pending mayhem. In addition, family night is on Monday nights which adds to the pressure of having a million things to do and not enough time to do them on the first day of the week. Now there are, of course, many proactive things I could do that would help make Mondays easier and make me a happier person. But hard as I try, they never seem to work. But now, I have a bright spot in my day. My son is on a mission. Now Mondays are "fun" days because I get to hear from him. He is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and his preparation day is on Mondays. This is the day that he is allowed to email his family and let them know about his week. This is truly a highlight for me! He has always been quite independent so I didn't know I would miss him this much. But there is definitely something missing from your family when one of the family members is absent for an extended period of time. Mondays allow us to feel of his presence and share in his life. He is doing great right now and I am so proud of him! I am so thankful that he has chosen this for his life right now. It is such a selfless act of service and he is growing so much everyday! Following is a brief excerpt from this week's letter (names have been changed to protect the privacy of those mentioned):

My thought for this week is from Robert D. Hales. "With your own testimony of God, you will be able to bless your family, your posterity, your friends, your own life - all those you love. Your personal knowledge of God is not only the greatest gift you will ever give, but it will bring you the greatest joy you will ever have."
Me and Elder ... were talking about the growing we have had on our missions and how it really is us that has changed the most. We are beginning to see the big picture of things much better than usual. Its really cool to see. Its amazing in 7 months how much my attitude towards some things has changed. It really is testimony of this church that is everything to us. And it really does bless you and everyone around you.
I pray everyone will have a great week.

He is growing so much every week and really loving the people in the area where he is serving. Aren't I lucky to be his Mom? I'm so happy that he has brought some sunshine to my dreary Mondays. Keep up the good work, Josh! We love you.

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