Thursday, March 18, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day

Okay, I'm one day late but yesterday was so crazy, start to finish, that there was no way I had time to do one more thing.

In staying with my goal of trying to create more traditions for our family and also trying to be a more "fun" Mom, I decided to wake up early and make the kids pancakes before work...GREEN pancakes.
I was going to make "Green Eggs & Ham" but my son hates eggs so I thought I better stick with pancakes. My daughter asked if I used food coloring to make them green and my son, in his typical sarcastic fashion said, "No, Mom just barfed on them." Sadly, that is exactly how they looked! Eeewww!
And these are my cute children eating off of paper plates. Yes, we are a paper plate family. I often have lofty goals of setting a beautiful holiday table but at 6:00 in the morning, I'm just proud of myself for getting the pancakes made! I even made homemade coconut syrup to go with them, so that's a bonus (and totally unlike me.) Plus, it's only St. Patrick's Day, right? It's not like it's Christmas morning!
And I had to include these cute pictures of Maddy's hair. Trust me, it was NOT without it's drama! I thought it looked darling, especially the 4-leaf clover on the back, but when she looked in the mirror she was almost in tears. She thought that from the front, it looked like she has horns. I could tell she was almost in tears but after taking 30 minutes to do this "do", there was no time to change. So we assured her she looked fabulous and we sent her on her way. Hopefully no one made fun of her. (You know how cruel kids can be.)

After school, we took the kids to an Irish restaurant named MacCool's. This has evolved into being a tradition for us. I think we have gone there the past 3 (or 4) years on St. Patrick's Day. The kids love it! Nothing like a bit o' Irish food to get you in the spirit. So, it has been a good day. These "fun" things may take a little extra work, but they are worth it. That way, when my kids look back on their childhood, maybe they will remember these good things, instead of remembering that their mom was sometimes late, often tired, and always a bit crazy. Today, I feel truly "lucky" to share these moments with my family!

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