Saturday, January 1, 2011

My word for 2011

"All things are possible to him that believeth"
Mark 9:23

I think I have decided on my word for 2011:


I want to become so many things.

I was considering my "word" for 2011 when I received the announcement for Time-Out For Women this year. This is a seminar put on for women by Deseret Book. I went to one last February on Hope and I was hooked! (Little did I know how much I would need that word to carry me through the year.) It was so spiritually uplifting and left me feeling good, not guilty. It made me want to do better and be more, yet enjoy every step of the learning process. It reminded me of those things that matter most. This year, when I read that the theme was Choose to Become, based off the scripture Mark 9:23, it just fit for me right now. I'm so excited to go to the conference and learn but until then, my head is swimming with all of the possibilities that I can work on, that I can become.

"This isn't about New Year's resolutions. This isn't about feeling guilty about not doing enough. This isn't about trying to do the thing you've tried to do a dozen times and failing again.

This is about BECOMING a little closer to the woman you are meant to be. And choosing one thing that will help you get there."

Doesn't that sound fabulous?? That is straight from the conference outline. And as I said, it just fit for me at this time in my life. I want to stop worrying and start living! I want to continue the journey that will lead me where I want to go. I feel like I have buried myself in worry, guilt, and regrets for the past several years. I want to forget that and be what and who I am meant to be... no matter what is happening around me. Does that mean I can just go into denial and ignore problems? Does it mean that I can shirk responsibilities and concentrate on only myself? Absolutely not! In fact, it means quite the contrary. The "me" that I want to be concentrates on others. Serves others. Yet finds happiness despite trials. In spite of the clouds, the light will always shine brighter. I want to feel that again so that I can become who Heavenly Father wants me to be.

I heard a poem by Karen Ravn that I love:

Only as high as I reach can I grow

Only as far as I seek can I grow

Only as deep as I look can I see

Only as much as I dream can I be

This year, I want to discover the possibilities...

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