Thursday, December 30, 2010

A look-back on being "Proactive"

As you know, my "word" of focus for 2010 was PROACTIVE. As I look back on 2010 and evaluate how I did on accomplishing this goal, I am proud of my efforts. Despite some difficult circumstances and the year turning out differently than I had planned (as usual), I feel that I am learning to put the most important things first. Sometimes that means being surrounded by a messy house and chaos so that I can make a homemade dinner after work. Sometimes it means working late nights so that I can help my kids with something now. This is very hard for me in that I have to feel organized to be at peace. We live in a fast-paced, drive-in, get it now, do more-type world. There are always things to add to the to-do list and always someone to try and keep up with. But once again, I have been reminded what things are most important in my life - and that is my family. Are we perfect? Do we have family prayer and scripture study everyday? Family Home Evening every week? I wish!! But just the fact that I am trying, that I haven't given up, that I still want to - gives me hope. Although there is so much more I want to be, so much more I want to give my children and husband, and so much more I want to give the Lord, I am proud of myself for the efforts I have made. I haven't given up. I still believe in the importance of being proactive. I have tried being more organized so that I can be more proactive and plan opportunities for my family before time slips through my fingers. I continue to try. I still have a long ways to go but I am happy just that I am on the path. I feel I am more conscientious in my mothering, more deliberate, and because of that, more fulfilled. That is what I was striving for.

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