Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This is my beautiful, 10-yr old Halloween punk fairy. Isn't she gorgeous?This year, her and her friends made these skirts at Apron Strings at Olivia's house. So they decided clear back in August what they were going to be for Halloween. At first, Maddy was a little concerned because we weren't exactly sure what a "punk fairy" wears. But as you can see in the picture below, they all turned out so cute! It's fun to see each of their personalities shine through.
They trucked all over the neighborhoods together. In past years, we have walked around with the Fuhriman's and all the little girls. This year, Mike was hunting and Jeff was getting ready to leave on a hunting trip so Sheri and I drove the girls around together. I really enjoy this tradition! I'm wondering if the girls will allow us to accompany them 1 more year? I sure hope so!

Sadly, Jake was not as "cute" this year. As you can see below, he was downright scary! He and his friend, Christian, decided to dress up as rock stars when they found these lovely zebra pants at the Halloween store. Once we saw how much Christian looked like Axel Rose, we decided to call them "Guns N' Roses." What a pair! It's especially funny because these 2 boys are both 4.0 students and such great kids. Hard to tell from the picture, huh? They left early to go trick-or-treat to close friends and their Young Men leaders. The pictures below show the beautiful weather we were having that night. It actually poured rain for about an hour. (Luckily, by the time the little girls went, the rain had almost stopped.) After that, Christian headed to a party and Jake went out to his cousin, Colton's.

And Halloween wouldn't be completed without Jeff and a mask. He went with a different choice this year than his usual mask. I think he fits right in with the scary side.

And what Halloween would be complete without Jack-O-Lanterns? We made pumpkin carving at the last minute this year. It has been so crazy with football, Nutcracker, work, etc. this year that we seriously started carving pumpkins (homegrown, of course) about 1 hour before trick-or-treating.

It was a great night, as usual. For some reason, I love Halloween! I love the autumn season, the fall colors, the crisp air and the wonderful smells it brings. I watch my kids get older by the second and have learned to treasure each year, each event. Happy Halloween!

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