Thursday, December 30, 2010


Why is it that many important life's lessons, I learn from Disney? I'm not sure what that says about me but it seems I take away something meaningful every time I see one of their movies. I have always loved Disney movies! I love their simplicity and pureness and sharing that wonder with my children. And of course, most importantly, I love a happy ending! I've always been sappy that way. But this time, I really think Disney out-did even themselves.

Maddy and I went to see this movie about 3 weeks ago. We loved it so much, we went again yesterday while the boys went to a different movie we didn't care to see. As I watched it for the second time, new things came to me that I felt applied to my current state of life. First of all, I was so angry with Rapunzel's mother for not letting her ever leave the safety of their tower. It was so obvious to me how selfish her mother was being by not allowing her to experience the world, keeping her only to herself. But as I thought of that, I realized I have probably been alot like that in the past. I instantly remembered how scary it is to be the Mother and have to let one of your children "go" in a sense. It's especially frightening if we know they are fragile or vulnerable. Just as the movie portrays, the world can be a very scary place! Now hopefully I am not to the wicked stage that Rapunzel's mother is at in the movie, but I thought to myself that this is something that I need to continue to work out at, to be better at. It's been a long journey for me learning about parenting and free agency. I am learning how important it is to Heavenly Father's plan but it also takes a giant leap of faith for me because I want to protect my children from all those things that can hurt them. I need to continue to practice trust in a loving Heavenly Father who knows so much more than me and to place faith in my children that I love so much.

The other lesson I learned from the movie is to follow the light. For some reason, when seeing it this second time, it just hit home to me how her dream is signified by light. She shows courage and faith by following her dream, following the light. That was just such a powerful reminder to me to do the same. In the upcoming year, I hope to remember to always follow the light. If I do, I know my dream will end even more beautifully than Rapunzel's did. And as President Uchtdorf promised us in a talk earlier this year, we will all have our "happily ever after."

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