"And maybe that was how it was supposed to be, how life unfolded when you lived it long enough. Joy and sadness were part of the package; the trick, perhaps, was to let yourself feel all of it, but to hold on to the joy just a little more tightly because you never knew when a strong heart could just give out.
-Winter Garden, Kristin Hannah
Today is my Mom's 65th birthday. It is also Mother's Day. The problem is, my Mother is no longer here. I know without a doubt that she is busily organizing the heavens, serving others, and spreading cheer. I know the Lord took her early for a reason...because she is special. She was the most amazing woman I've ever known. I know it's easy to immortalize those who are no longer here and remember only the good. But my Mom truly was good. She was the most selfless person I have ever known. She would truly do anything to help those she loved. It often wore her out but she worked serving others until the day she passed away. She was such an example to me for what a Christ-like person should be like. She was filled with His love and was a faithful follower to the end.
On this Mother's Day, I am so grateful to have this woman to honor - she was with me in life and continues to be in death. When my Mom died, I knew that she loved me and that she knew I loved her. That love we shared has left me with only 1 regret, and that is that my sweet children do not have her in their daily lives. But her goodness is in each of them. She has blessed their lives with her spirit. They will not forget that. We are now blessed to have this special "guardian angel" watching over our family. I strive to make her proud.
Since today is May 9th, I wanted to include 9 favorite attributes of my Mom:
1. Laugh. Her laugh was contagious. She was always nice to everyone and drew them in with her kindness and laughter.
2. Humility. My Mom never thought she was better than anyone. In fact, she often questioned herself and always wanted to make sure that she was doing all that the Lord would have her do.
3. Sense of Humor. My Mom was not one to get up and tell a joke. First of all, that would make her uncomfortable because she did not like being the center of attention. She had a sense of humor, though, nonetheless. She was self-deprecating not in a degrading way, but in a humorous way. She never took herself too seriously and know how to "lighten' situations. She could always make me giggle with her funny, quirky comments.
4. Grandma. (Okay, I'm not sure if this is an actual attribute, but it HAD to be included) My Mom was the best Grandma ever! She loved my kids as if they were her own. I never doubted her love for them and always felt at complete peace when they were with her. I knew they were as happy with her as they were with me. I can't imagine missing out on the "baby"hood of my children without my Mom being there. I am so grateful to her, for those very special moments we shared during late night feedings and all that she taught me during those crucial moments of Motherhood.
5. Reliable. This was another strength of my Mom's. If said she would do something, you knew she would do it. Part of this was made possible by her awe-inspiring organizational skills. If I needed to remember something, I would purposely tell my Mom because I knew she would write it down and remind me. We could count on her for everything... and we did.
6. Service. My Mom was a quiet, tender example of service. She was always taking food to people or doing random acts of kindness. She served all those around her but especially her family. She always served her church faithfully and was always striving to be better. Her service included unprecedented compassion. She truly "mourned with those who mourn." What a great example of love she was to all of us!
7. Fun! My Mom was a blast to be with! I loved our yearly tradition of going to Women's Conference together because I knew it would be filled with lots of Diet Coke, shopping, spirituality, laughter, and fun. What more can you want??
8. Faith. As mentioned above, my Mom was a woman of FAITH. My Mom did not have an easy life but her faith never seemed to waiver. My favorite gift I was given after she died was a statue of a woman on her knees praying. That was my Mom. In my mind, I can visualize her kneeling at her bedside. This single attribute has had such an impact in my life. Seeing her pray, I always knew there was someone watching over us. I knew there was hope.
9. Testimony. The greatest gift my Mom gave me was her testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. For years, I relied on her's and my Dad's testimonies until I fully developed my own. I am so thankful that they raised me with these inspired beliefs. She has helped me see my own divine potential through her. I hope I can always follow in her footsteps. I am so thankful for the path she set me on and the example she was. But even more, I am so grateful for the love she gave me. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call her "Mother."
I love you, Mom!
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