- Disneyland- We wanted to take a fun vacation together as a family before Josh left on his mission. This is where he said he would like to go. So for Christmas 2008, the kids got surprised with plane tickets and a Disneyland vacation. We left January 18, 2009. What a great way to start a year!
- Jeff's sister, Tina, has a new baby girl named Thea.
- Jeff & I continue to love our walks together. Sometimes we have kids, usually on scooters. Sometimes it's just us.
- Maddy continues to take Ballet. This year we added her friend, Emilie, to the carpool, along with her and Lindsee.
- Soccer begins. Both Jake and Maddy play during the Spring so it keeps our Saturdays hoppin.
- My dad, Rick Mayfield, gets remarried to Sharon (Shay) Fitzgerald in the Bountiful, UT Temple. (March 26, 2009) It's a whole new world!
- Maddy's 3rd grade program: "Traveling through the Continents" (They learned a song for each continent.) So cute!
- Jake continues to get awesome grades.
- Shopping trips to Park City. It's been fun because Maddy is starting to like shopping trips as much as me. (Well, if it's for HER, she likes shopping trips.) Having 2 boys before her, this is not something I am used to. In the past, I have had to sneak up there by myself.
- In April, Jeff, Josh, & Jake went on a four-wheeling trip to the San Rafael Swell with Barry Burton and family. They had blast, snow and all!
- Maddy & I discovered hair blogs. I'll take all the help I can get when it comes to doing hair.
- Josh continues to work at Pepperbelly's.
- We continue to make several Taco Time runs per month. Some nights, that's just as good as it gets with a working mom. For some reason, that seems to be the place of choice right now. It sure beats Happy Meals!
- In May, Josh receives his mission call to the Georgia Atlanta North Mission. How cool is that?? Actually, not very because he leaves at the hottest time of the year - August 12, 2009. We are so excited for him! He's worked so hard to get to this point.
- Maddy had her very first piano recital in May and she did awesome! She has played the piano since she was 7 but due to her piano teacher having a baby last year, this was her first recital. She played 2 songs and on 1 of them, she even had to cross one hand over the other. She looked beautiful!
- The kids and I continue our tradition of getting treats after every Doctor appointment. All of their doctors are located at the hospital so we always have to go to the Pharmacy or the Gift Shop on our way out to grab a treat. Yes, even the older ones. :)
- Josh continues to make me smile with his laid-back personality and his constant sense of humor. I am going to miss that kid! Especially that grin he always gets when he's in a good mood. (You know exactly which one I'm talking about, Josh)
- Jake continues to like the same girl he has all year. I won't put her name or he will be very upset with me. His mom still thinks he is too young to be liking girls! (Of course)
- Maddy loves to go to the Mall with Mom now. Well, as long as we are going to one of her stores - Justice, Gymboree, or Crazy 8's. Her favorite part, though, is going to Mrs. Fields to get a cookie after. That, in itself, is becoming quite a tradition. Is there a "food" theme developing here? It is true, I love to eat! Especially stuff that is not good for me.
- Jake is past the point of needing to be tucked in and giving his mom hugs. How did this happen? It seems like just yesterday that he loved me to come up and tuck him in so he could tell me about his day. Now, it actually bothers him when I do, saying he does not need to be tucked in. Very sad.
- In May, Jeff & I went to St. George with friends (Fuhrimans and Jensens) to Tuacahn. We saw the comedian Brian Regan and had a great time exploring beautiful Southern Utah.
- Jeff & I continue to teach Primary. Luckily, we teach Maddy's class so that keeps Jeff happy.
- Jake finished 7th grade with a 4.0! Great job, Jake! We are so proud of you.
- 3 of Maddy's friend's moms (and me) started a little Arts & Crafts group for the girls called "Apron Strings." This seems strange for me since I barely cook and don't sew. But we had alot of fun making "Mother" scrapbook/photo albums. Other fun things they did were making hair bows/flowers/barrettes, pulling taffy, wood projects, and doing needlepoint and making their own pillows. Maddy had a blast with Lindsee, Olivia, and Megan. Thanks to Sheri for the great idea!
- Maddy had her Ballet Recital in June at the Browning Center at WSU. This year, her dance theme was Saltair, as they celebrated the special spots of Utah.
- We took our last family trip (well at least our full family) to our family cabin in Island Park over the 4th of July. Josh wanted to go there one more time before leaving. I guess it will be 2 full years before the 5 of us will there together again. We went four-wheeling and had a great trip with Jeff's sister, TeriLyn, and her family. It was alot of boys!
- Maddy loves to see Jeff give me kisses or hugs. This is a major difference between girls and boys because the boys get completely grossed out by it and Maddy loves it.
- Sadly, Maddy doesn't call me "Mama" anymore. It was the last little shred of being a "little" girl and it has now faded into the past, much to her Mother's dismay.
- We continue to try and enhance our Family Home Evenings. For us, this means actually having FHE. Although we are not as consistent as we should be, we are improving. It helps to have a future missionary in the family because if all else fails, we just make him give us a "Preach my Gospel" lesson. I think he will make a great missionary!
- Jake enjoyed his last Scout Camp as a Deacon. Jeff went along to share in the fun for the last time. (He has survived alot of Scout Camps!)
- In July, Jake started football - yea! Each year, this is a highlight of our summer. Although Jake doesn't love the training part in the dead heat of the summer, he is obsessed with this sport! He lives and breathes football this time of the year and man, it is contagious! I did not think I would ever get into football like I have. In fact, I never wanted him to play football and let him start when he was 8-years old, only in hopes that it would "get it out of his system." Plan failed. He has loved it since his first touchdown. And I love watching him! It is truly a highlight for me watching him do something he loves so much. I am totally the crazy mom running along the sidelines with all the men. I am working on this problem and hope to be better this year. I just can't help it. It's a blast!
- August 9, 2009 Josh's 1995 gold Saturn car is stolen out of our driveway, along with the majority of his earthly possessions.
- August 9, 2009 Car recovered 1 mile away from our house. Most possessions not recovered.
- August 10, 2009 Mom and Josh go shopping to replace all of the mission supplies that were stolen out of Josh's car.
- August 12, 2009 Josh enters the Mission Training Center in Provo, UT. VERY difficult day, yet we couldn't be happier? Does that make sense. I'm sure it does to all of you out there who have sent a son/brother/friend on a mission. We are so proud of him!
- Jake FINALLY gets rewarded for his good grades by taking over Josh's spot on the cell phone bill. He got a brand new phone, an Envy Touch.
- My brother, Chad, and his wife, Lori had their twin baby boys - Matthew Richard and Max Russell. They were premature but luckily, they are doing well.
- Maddy continues to color pictures and write us poems and sweet notes. She is definitely creative and loves Art. She also loves to make people feel good so her notes and cards she makes us are the perfect combination.
- Both kids have totally boycotted school lunch this year. I used to encourage the "hot" lunch at school since they have a working mother that doesn't get a "hot" meal on the table every night. :( After eating birthday lunch at school with Jake one time, I understood the boycot.
- Our morning routine is still chaotic but is definitely getting a bit better as the kids get older. Luckily, Jake is good to get himself up, although he does like company once he gets out of the shower and downstairs for breakfast. Maddy, on the other hand, is still not a morning person. Some mornings are better than others. A highlight of my day is waving to Maddy out the window on her way to the bus stop. This is something Jeff and I have done for the last couple of years and as the years go by, I appreciate it more every day. I know the day will come where she will not feel comfortable having her friends seeing her wave back to us, so while it is still "cool", I'm going to enjoy every day of it I can get.
- Jake is developing quite a "dry" sense of humor that is thick with sarcasm. He can bring a smile to my face at the most unlikely times.
- November was a crazy month for us. My Grandpa Stewart (David) died right before Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, his funeral was on Jake's 14th birthday. This was a difficult day because it brought back alot of memories of my mom. I also had to speak at the funeral in place of my sister, which was not fun. We did our best to make it a good day for Jake, though. Fun with friends made up for it that night.
- Maddy made the Clytie Adams Nutcracker again! She was a Cookie this year and enjoyed every minute. It's a ton of work (for both me & Maddy) the week before Thanksgiving but seeing her smile makes it all worth it.
- Jake got a PlayStation 3 for his birthday. According to him, it has changed his life.
- Jake was ordained a Teacher at church. Where does the time go? I swear he was just barely made a Deacon.
- Our building got a new tenant, Bandidos. It is a Mexican restaurant, with wonderful people running it. We feel very blessed that there was not a lapse between tenants.
As you can see, we are very blessed. Although days can get crazy and certain seasons of life can seem long, it is always humbling to look back and count our blessings. Although some days are exhausting with working full-time, carpools, cooking, cleaning, laundry, church work, and constant, non-stop emails, I am so thankful that I am a wife and a Mother. There is NOTHING a would rather be. At the end of the day, it is all made worth it by those little (or big) arms wrapping around me (I still force Jake to give me hugs sometimes) and hearing the words "I love you." I just pray I can be worthy of their unconditional love.
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