I was talking to my brother and telling him that I was not as good of a Mother as I would like to be and that I was really trying to be better. In particular, we were talking about my cooking skills (or lack of) and how I would like to cook my children better home-cooked meals. He taught me a very important lesson. He told me that whenever he thought of our Mom, he never remembers what meals she cooked. The thing he remembers are the dinners they shared together, just the 2 of them, just talking. He said he didn't care if it was a home-cooked meal or one she had him pick up at a drive-thru, he just enjoyed being with her and talking. Since she has passed away, those are his favorite memories - the "little things," as he put it. How true that is. I feel the same way. She did many HUGE things for us but she also did hundreds of little things that added up to mean so much. I have heard that children will not remember certain lessons we have taught them or events that we have planned, but that they will remember the way we made them feel. That is what memories are made of, the "little things." So treasure every one.
Today, I love the following "little" things in my life:
- Reading scriptures with my kids every morning
- Waving good-bye to Maddy each morning from the Living Room window
- Coming home after a long day at work and seeing my children dutifully doing their homework
- Singing Hannah Montana songs in the car with Maddy and her friends on the way to Ballet
- Looking up Jake's grades on the Internet to find that he has over 100% in several classes
- Weekly letters from my missionary
- Listening to 'songs from the 80's' on Jake's iPod in the car with him...LOUDLY
- Getting a note from Maddy's teacher saying that she has no missing assignments
- Sitting in the hot tub with the whole family on a cold night
- Spring walks with my honey(s) as the weather begins to warm up...FINALLY!