Whew! No wonder I'm tired. But I am also SO blessed!
Welcome 2011!
"But a child is only a moment, only a snowflake of sweet remember when. Yes, a child is only a moment, a wonderful moment that never comes again. Yes, a child is only a moment, hold on to that moment, for it never comes again." -Earl Brown
Clytie introduced the Nutcracker with this quote. Although it makes me feel like crying, I think it is so beautiful...and so true. I know to enjoy these memories with Maddy because I have watched Josh grow up so quickly that it felt like he was gone in the blink of an eye. I know it will be the same with Maddy. So we are enjoying every minute of this wonderful experience (no matter how tiring it can be:)
I was so happy for Maddy that she made the Nutcracker! I don't know who gets more nervous, me or her? I was especially proud of her this year for the way she has handled herself. You see, Maddy made the Nutcracker which is obviously a huge honor, but unfortunately, she got a part she didn't want - Gingerbread. It's not that it is not a cute part, because it is. It's just that usually the younger kids are in this part and Maddy has been in this same scene for the past 2 years. In spite of this, Maddy decided to accept the part and even though a few people commented about her being with the younger girls, she handled it all with such grace. I really am so proud of her for this! She knows that the parts are determined by size, due to the costumes that are available and has decided to just enjoy the experience and have fun. I think she has learned alot from the experience and certainly had fun along the way. In addition to that little trial, one of her best friends got the part that she (and every other little girl) wanted - Party Girl. Instead of being jealous, Maddy showed nothing but excitement for Brea. She was gracious and kind throughout the whole experience. And when performance time came, she reveled in the experienced and smiled just as big as she did the other years. That smile makes all the parent volunteer hours, the carpools, and time away from home worth it.
Performances go for basically a week, with Dress Rehearsals on Tuesday and Wednesday, and 4 performances Thursday through Saturday. It's a whirlwind week! This year, I was on the Sweats committee so I helped sell sweats one Saturday, chaperoned 2 nights, and sold sweats at the boutique one night. We always go with our whole family and grandmas and grandpas one night and take her out to dinner before. This year, Grandpa M and Shay weren't able to come because they were out of town but Uncle Jeremy was there, along with her brothers. Even her friends, Lindsee and Olivia came to see her this year. That meant alot. We met Grandma and Grandpa O at Tony's Pizza before. Daddy brought her flowers, which always makes her night.
Then Jeff and I always go and see her at the Saturday matinee. We've been lucky so far because we've been able to sneak her out after Act 1 and take her to lunch. This year we went to Texas Roadhouse. I think she really enjoys having this one on one time with just Mom and Dad. I really think kids need that and I think it makes her feel special and to realize what a big deal this is. It really is such an honor!
This year, we gave out little Nutcracker notebooks and Nutcracker cookies as Maddy's gifts to the other Gingerbreads. She received lots of great gifts including ornaments, soap, shower gel, flowers, a Nutcracker, socks, cookies, and candy. This is always a favorite part of the experience. Other than performing, Maddy's favorite part is the time she gets to spend with her friends in between. As you can see, they keep themselves entertained and build wonderful memories that I hope she will remember forever.
I never thought I would be.
But I'm so proud of this kid.