First, Josh wrote me the most beautiful letter that included a CD with some of his favorite church songs. In the letter, he wrote his testimony of each song and why it was important to him. I cannot put into words how this touched my heart. I have always known that Josh has a beautiful testimony of the gospel and the Atonement but the fact that he was willling to share such a personal thing with me, brought tears to my eyes. The testimony was so eloquent and so touching. I listen to the songs with different ears now. And the thoughtfulness of this act was awesome, and totally unexpected. It really was so special. It's one of those things where thank you just doesn't seem like enough. It's something so tender in my heart that it is hard to put into words.
Second, I went to get in my car and found this on my window:
And finally, out of nowhere, I get a random text from Jake that simply said "I love you, Mom." Such a simple thing for some people but not for Jake. Which makes it mean so much more. You know when you get something like that from Jake that he really means it. And that he's giving of himself to say it. Because it is hard for him. And I understand that. And I love him all the more for saying it. I really do. It brightened my day and even brightens me now to think of it. It made me feel like I mattered. His effort and thoughtfullness meant the world to me. I love you, too, Jake!
So as you can see, I've been a pretty spoiled Mom this week. I hope that none of them ever doubt my love for them. I love them so much that I can't describe it in words. It seems almost disrespectful to try. It's just this indescribable feeling in my heart that touches every part of my being. I know that sounds a bit dramatic but it's true. There is nothing like being a Mother and feeling that love for your children. It is tender. It is all-consuming. It is true. And I am so thankful for the privledge of experiencing it. Thanks kids.
I love you!